Birmingham OT has a large amount of experience in assessing and treating various conditions including:


There are many different neurological conditions that can affect people of all ages and these can range from stroke to spinal cord injury. A neurological condition either directly affects the brain or the way that the brain controls the rest of the body. Damage caused to these systems can have a huge impact on someone's function and quality of life. Occupational Therapy is aimed at treating the problem and putting strategies in place to allow the person to be as independent as possible.


Getting older is a natural process that everyone goes through and someone's ability to remain independent can decrease. Old age can naturally cause wear and tear of the body and reduced brain function. Our Occupational Therapists can provide treatment to reduce the effect of aging on independence. This can range from falls prevention to providing equipment for the home to make life easier.


Babies can sometimes be born with congenital disorders or may suffer from developmental delay. This can affect a child's growth and development and is an issue that needs to be treated. Our experienced Occupational Therapists are able to treat these problems and aid the child's development. They will also make sure that the parents or carers are fully educated on the problem so that they are able to help their child develop and reach their full potential.

Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties can affect people of all ages and can have a serious bearing on independence. Occupational Therapy can help people with learning difficulties by improving cognitive function and promoting independence so that their quality of life is improved. Our Occupational Therapists will also make sure that family or carers are informed of any strategies that can be continued to improve independence.

Mental Health

Mental health issues can vary in severity and can affect people of different ages. Quality of life and independence can be greatly reduced and this is a problem that Birmingham OT can treat. Occupational Therapy is aimed at improving cognitive function and everyday activities so that as much independence as possible is achieved. Therapy would also involve educating family or carers so that they can reach their full potential.


Orthopaedic problems are problems with bones or joints and can be short or long term but will always affect someone's independence. Occupational therapy can make it easier at home for someone with orthopaedic problems by providing equipment and strategies to make them more independent. This treatment may be temporary for short term problems, but long term strategies and support can be put in place for someone with long term problems.


Rheumatology is the name used for rheumatic problems which are problems with the joints. Occupational therapy treatment may include education about the condition, splinting and supplying aids and adaptations to the home to promote independence. Rheumatic problems are often long term so it is important that the long term management of the problem is addressed.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment then please email us at

We're Registered

Royal College of Occupational Therapists Health & care professionals council